miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016


News media

The news media or news industry are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapersnewsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, etc.).


medium (plural media) is a carrier of something. Common things carried by media include information, art, or physical objects. A medium may provide transmission or storage of information or both. The industries which produce news and entertainment content for the mass media are often called "the media" (in much the same way the newspaper industry is called "the press"). In the late 20th century it became commonplace for this usage to be construed as singular ("The media is...") rather than as the traditional plural.


Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video signals (programs) to a number of recipients ("listeners" or "viewers") that belong to a large group. This group may be the public in general, or a relatively large audience within the public. Thus, an Internet channel may distribute text or music worldwide, while a public address system in (for example) a workplace may broadcast very limited ad hoc soundbites to a small population within its range.
The sequencing of content in a broadcast is called a schedule.
Television and radio programs are distributed through radio broadcasting or cable, often simultaneously. By coding signals and having decoding equipment in homes, the latter also enables subscription-based channels and pay-per-view services.
A broadcasting organization may broadcast several programs at the same time, through several channels (frequencies), for example BBC One and Two. On the other hand, two or more organizations may share a channel and each use it during a fixed part of the day. Digital radio and digital television may also transmit multiplexed programming, with several channelscompressed into one ensemble.
When broadcasting is done via the Internet the term webcasting is often used.
Broadcasting forms a very large segment of the mass media.
Broadcasting to a very narrow range of audience is called narrowcasting.


In English, the verb to be means ser as well as estar, and this fact makes things a little bit easier. The inflection of the verb to be in simple present tense, for different subject pronouns, is as indicated by the following chart:En inglés, el verbo to be significa ser tanto como estar, y este hecho hace que las cosas sean un tanto más sencillas. La flexión del verbo to be en tiempo presente simple, para diferentes sujetos, es como se indica en la siguiente tabla:

Singular Plural 
am (yo soy)I'mwe are (nosotros somos)we're
you are (tú eres)you'reyou are (ustedes son)you're
he is (él es)he'sthey are (ellos son)they're
she is (ella es)she's
it is (él/ella [cosa, animal, tiempo, clima] es)it's

If the subject is a singular noun, then is is used.If the subject is a plural noun, then are is used.
Si el sujeto es un sustantivo singular, entonces se usa is.Si el sujeto es un sustantivo plural, entonces se usa are.


The negation of the verb to be is formed by placing not after the inflected form of this verb:La negación del verbo to be se forma poniendo not después de la forma flexionada del verbo:

I am not (yo no soy)we are not = we aren't (nosotros no somos)
you are not = you aren't (tú no eres)you are not = you aren't (ustedes no son)
he/she/it is not = he/she/it isn't (él/ella no es)they are not = they aren't (ellos no son)


  1. My father is the person I admire the most. He is very hardworking. (Mi padre es la persona que más admiro. Él es muy trabajador)
  2. The Queen of England is Elizabeth II. (La Reina de Inglaterra es Isabel II)
  3. London is the largest city in England. It is also the largest city of the United Kingdom and the European Union. (Londres es la ciudad más grande de Inglaterra. Es también la ciudad más grande del Reino Unido y la Unión Europea)
  4. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. (Los delfines son animales muy inteligentes)
  5. You are a kind person. (Tú eres una persona gentil)
  6. You all are good friends. (Ustedes son buenos amigos)
  7. When tomatoes are red, they taste good, but the only tomato we have is green. (Cuando los tomates están rojos, saben bien, pero el único tomate que tenemos está verde)